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Prenatal Exercise and You!

We all know that regular exercise is awesome for our bodies--it helps elevate mood, gives you more energy, helps you sleep better, boosts your confidence, and of course is just good for your body. This still applies during pregnancy; the benefits are the same, plus regular exercise during pregnancy can help your post-pregnancy body bounce back to normal sooner, can help relieve pregnancy related aches and pains, and can help lower the risk of gestational diabetes and preeclampsia.

Of course, you should always consult your health care provider before starting any exercise program, and you should never over-do it! If it hurts or feels wrong, stop and consult your provider.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends that healthy women, with uncomplicated pregnancies exercise 20-30 minutes per day at a moderate intensity, most days of the week. Also make sure to only engage in exercise programs that are safe for pregnancy-your care provider will be able to provide more information, but I've listed some of the best exercises below!

-Walking: walking is a great exercise to do while pregnant; it isn't jarring or complicated and can be done anywhere! This is a safe exercise to do throughout pregnancy, right up until the end (and walking in the last few weeks of pregnancy might help stimulate labour ;D)

-Swimming: swimming is awesome because it is both a cardio workout and exercises your large muscle groups. It can also help relieve lower back pain with the weightless feeling that being in the water offers.

-Prenatal yoga: yoga is excellent because it is very low impact and helps you maintain muscle tone and flexibility. Please be careful with positions such as downward dog, and if you feel dizzy, sit and relax for a few moments before continuing.

-Stretching: there is a massive amount of evidence to prove that daily stretching can do wonders for your body, and this is no different during pregnancy. Stretching can help alleviate lower back pain, muscle aches and can help maintain flexibility.

Please modify any exercise program you engage in to suit how you feel, and remember to take it easy and drink lots of water!

What are some of your favourite prenatal exercises? Did you exercise right until the end of pregnancy?

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